I believe in the potential of every student, and that they deserve the opportunity to meaningfully learn, no matter their ability level or circumstances.
Opportunities for meaningful learning and experiences for ALL students - Every student deserves the opportunity to learn at their own pace. Students need to be met where they are, and assisted to progress and reach their potential. This includes better support for special education (IEP) and students with 504’s, particularly at the middle and high Ievels.
Social and Emotional Learning - I do not support transformative social and emotional learning (SEL), and feel that the district should instead focus on character-based education that incorporates the principles of hard work, resilience, lifelong learning, honesty, integrity, responsibility, service, respect, and personal growth. These are all character traits that the Canyons School Board recently incorporated into the new strategic plan, meant to function as a road map for the district for years to come.
Mental and behavioral health supports - providing opportunities for students and their parents to opt into additional supports as they face unprecedented rates of distress post-pandemic.
Fairness – Amanda’s legal training has trained her to understand and consider many different perspectives, nuances, and facets to every decision. She has demonstrated a firm commitment to listen fairly to every voice, and work collaboratively with her fellow board members to make decisions that positively impact the students of Canyons School District.
Community - The idea of being able to work as a cohesive community is possible, as we work to put the needs of students first and foremost–together.