Deeply committed to the democratic process, I value each and every voice, and hold myself accountable to the families I represent.

Accountability – Every board meeting there is time set aside for public comment. I have also held regular town hall meetings since the beginning of my tenure (six in total), and will continue to do so. I attend school community councils (SCC's) for each of my schools each year, and am also available by email or over the phone. ​
Position on Critical Race Theory (CRT) - CRT has no place in Utah schools, and I commit to keep it out. I also recognize that the Utah State Board of Education R277-328 is required of all Utah public schools, and allows for the principles of diversity and inclusion to be discussed appropriately. Appreciating the varied perspectives and life experiences of people from different backgrounds enriches us all.
Parent Involvement – effective two-way communication and parent feedback so that the needs of my community are being met. See: Customer Service Infographic, created by Amanda and Canyons Communications department to empower parents in knowing how to effectively advocate for their children's educational experience when difficulties arise.
Safety - implementation of the SafeUT app, lockdown and safety-in-place drills, assistance with school psychologists and social workers, having school resource officers on site, using funds to rebuild/remodel schools with new surveillance systems, automatic locks that require employees to have an ID badge to gain entry, and strategically located entryways and exits.